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Programmator Dlya Arkadiya

1 Jan 2000admin

V I s I ons, 2-person show with CreaRtive, Barcelona, Spain. Cincinnati Art Club, Spring Associate Show Indian Hill Gallery, Spring Show Fitton Center, Hamilton Current Artsville Fundraiser, Cincinnati. Evendale Cultural Arts Center, Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibit.

• I work with computers Michael Langford, national president of the Utility Workers Union of America, which represents some FirstEnergy workers, in a news release said: “Ten years later, FirstEnergy and other utility companies are still ignoring the lessons of that failure. Instead of investing in the physical and human infrastructure necessary to maintain a reliable, 21st century electric power grid, companies such as FirstEnergy have slashed utility worker staffing levels to the point that these companies are incapable of meeting the essential needs of the public during routine emergencies — let alone during disasters such as the Hurricane Sandy.

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Pioneering Humanistic and Earth Conscious Education Over two hundred years of the Industrial Revolution has filled the world with things for our convenience and safety. But it has also made people undervalue their potential for a fulfilling life and has polluted the land, water and air. Prakriya is a school that is committed to go beyond factory schooling which dehumanises us and alienates us from the earth that supports life.


We are focussed on discovering meaningful ways of working with children and share our learning about ecological education with others through our sister organisations, Bhoomi Network and Prakriya Educator and Institution Development Centre. Our children are the leaders and citizens who will face the crisis of climate change and its consequences tomorrow. Hence focusing on education that awakens us to theses realities is essential today. Learning is more meaningful when the focus in on the underlying processes of learning and not on the content alone. How we learn – with enthusiasm and fondness for teachers or with fear and helplessness, with understanding of connections to the larger picture or as piece-meal bits of information – these are processes which matter much more for the future of our children than we may imagine Prakriya is a school that has integrated much research as well as common sense on learning processes into its philosophy, teacher training and curriculum design.