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Secure Vault Boyt Instruction Manual Free Download Programs

1 Jan 2000admin

PITTSTON – The thing to remember when attending the Pittston Tomato Festival is to come hungry. Even before the opening ceremo- nies on Thursday night, the lines were beginning to form as festival- goers chose what to eat from an astonishing variety of choices. Monsignor John Bendik, pastor of the Parish Com- munity of St. John the Evangelist in Pittston, opened the 28th annual festival with a prayer and led the audience in an a cappella rendition of the nation- al anthem.

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Various dignitaries including state Rep. Mike Carroll and state Sen. Obertka na shokolad shablon fotoshopa. John Yudichak spoke to the crowd. Yudichak alluded to the recently announced grants for downtown development in Pitt- ston.

Mayor Jason Klush, referring to the Main Street revitalization project, said, “Next year, down- town will be gorgeous.” After the opening ceremonies, Lori Nocito, festival chairwoman, said 30 volunteers had worked together to make the festival happen. One of them, Tom Se- watsky, the festival treasurer, has worked on all 28 festivals.

Nocito said the real attraction of the festival was the variety of food. “What draws people is our homemade Italian foods like ravioli, tripe, bruschetta and eggplant rollatini.” Nocito cited a June article in Parade Magazine that listed the. WILKES-BARRE – Albert Broyan couldn’t believ e whathe wasseeing.In 30minutes,near- ly an entire season’s worth of hard work was wi pe d ou t by a fr ea k hai l st ormthatstru ckhis Nescop eck T ownshi p farm on Saturday. With pounds upon pounds of watermelon, squ ash, can talo upe, zuc chi ni and pep per s amo ng theruinedcrop s, Br oya n andhis fam ily picked up the pieces, literally, and went to the farmers markets in Scranton on Monday and Wilk es-Barr e on Thurs day. The crops picked prior to the storm, which pac kedenoug h pun chto tak e dow n a she d and topplemultiplefruittrees,were soldalong with othe r cro psspare d by thestorm. Wha t Bro yanis goi ngthrou ghbecaus e ofun- usuallyharsh weathe r is somet hingother farm- erscrosstheir fing ersand pra y doe sn’ t happ en to the m. Broy an said the family and farm worke rs “scav enged”forwhateverthey couldto bringto the markets this week, and he said that while thevar ie ty wi llbe li mi te d,he ex pe ct s tosellat mar ket s therestof theseaso n.

Broyan, 72, said crops that were under the ground when the storm hit, including onions, red beets and potatoes, will be continue to be available. EILAT, Israel — Gunmen who crossed from the Egyptian desert launched a series of attacks Thurs day in southe rn Israe l, killingeight peopl e and threatening to destabilize a volatile borde r region that includes the Ha- mas-ruled Gaza Strip and the incre asingly lawles s Sinai Pen- insula. Israel blamed an armed Pal- estinian group from neighbor- ing Gaza. Israeli forces killed five of the gunmen along the border with Egypt, the mili- tarysaid,andlaterlaun che d an air str ik e in si de Gaz a th at kill ed fiv e oth er mil itan ts fro m the same group as well as a child. Thr ee blas ts sho ok Gaza early today, including one that kill ed a 13 -ye ar-o ld boy, acc ord ingto a Gaz a hos- pital official. But the Israeli military did not im- mediate ly confirm reports of three more air- strikes targeting a security compound, a home and thearea of the smugg lingtunnels crissc ross- ing the Gaza-Egypt border. The Isra eli milita ry said three of the men.

NANTIC OKE – A double-w hammycomputer pr ob le m at a ba d tim e ofthe ye ar le ftonli nestu- dents at Luzerne County Community College scr amb lingto res ubm it wo rkand ret akefinalex- ams earlier this month. The Times Leade r recei ved multiple com- plaints about the problem. Students who asked not to publish their names talked of difficulty connec tingvia emailto instruc tors,not knowin g exactl y what was going on, and being force d to retake tests after they thought the course had ende d andsomeassu medtheycoul d tak e a sho rt vacation. LCCC Spokeswoman Lisa Nelson confirmed.